Photography by Stella Kramer Horta

Stream of research and electroacoustic sound intervention, Banha da Cobra is a project that starts from the sonic imaginary of handcrafted, ritualistic and traditional activities and landscapes. The compositions are made as sound ruins, based on an ecology between the sustainability of the sound nature of the found - structures, places, materials, objects, patterns, etc. - and their appropriation and transformation. The collecting inherent in this project of archeological character is complemented with processes of alchemical manipulation like musical creation in real time. Banha da Cobra is a project of Mestre André and Carlos Godinho.


Fluxo de investigação e intervenção sonora eletroacústica, Banha da Cobra é um projeto que parte do imaginário sónico de atividades e paisagens artesanais, ritualísticas e tradicionais. As composições são feitas como ruínas sonoras, com base numa ecologia entre a sustentabilidade da natureza sonora do encontrado - estruturas, lugares, materiais, objetos, padrões, etc. - e a sua apropriação e transformação. O colecionismo inerente a este projeto de carácter arquelógico completa-se com processos de manipulação alquímica como criação musical em tempo real. Banha da Cobra é um projeto de Mestre André e Carlos Godinho.


Lava Love (discrepant 2025)

Recorded during a residency in Tenerife powered by Keroxen Festival and Discrepant back in 2020 - amidst the pandemic, no less -, the duo of Carlos Godinho and Mestre André return after their 'Mãe D'Água' debut on Sucata Tapes and an entry on Keroxen's Aquapelago Series through a split with tropical druids Lagoss. Mostly captured in performance through a quadraphonic system placed inside a huge disused fuel tank, with a few tracks recorded out in the open throughout the island, 'Lava Love' evokes the tectonic shifts and motions inherent in their title in 13 tracks.

Based around Godinho's percussive arsenal, from found objects to instruments from all sorts of cartographies, and André's electronic processing, each of these expositions is a point in a map that is created between the island's concrete and fictional existence, discarding any superficial overdubs and crescendos, to focus on the balming and transporting properties of sound itself. From stripped down vignettes like 'Bajamar I' & 'II', 'Chacho' or 'Tangana I' to hypnotic tapestries that confuse the real and imagined like 'Haha No!' or 'La Gomera', Banha da Cobra conjure a collective dream of the island.

All tracks performed and recorded by Banha da...  more


releases February 21, 2025

Banha da Cobra are Mestre André and Carlos Godinho

Recorded by Jorge Lozano
Mixed by Mestre André
Mastered by Dani Tupper
Cover photography by Nestor Torrens
Cover design by Óscar Silva


Mãe d'Água by Sucata Tapes (Discrepant 2019)

'Azylo' on Antologia de Música Atípica Portuguesa (Anthology of Atypical Portuguese Music)

Keroxen Festival 2020

Casa Independente, 05.06.2019

Lisboa Soa festival, 21.09.2018