
"Notwan - Alambique" (2023) - CD - Sistema Intravenoso

"O Morto - Ifrits Habitent" (2023) - Audiocassette - Sucata Tapes [Discrepant]

"O Morto - Dans la Gorge D'Un Monstre" (2023) - 12" LP - Discrepant

"Mestre André - Cordyceps" OST (2021) - CD - Self release

"Os Golfinhes - Re7" (2021) - CD - rotten / trash & Chili Com Carne

"Notwan - New Universe" feat. ofNazareth and DJ Sims (2020) - digital/web - Self release

"Notwan - Sabotagem" (2020) - digital/web - Self release

"Mestre André - Parlamento Elefante" OST (2019) - CD - Self release

"O Morto - The Forest, the People and the Spirits" (2017) - 12'' LP - Discrepant

"O Morto - The Forest, the People and the Spirits" (2016) - K7 - Discrepant

"O Morto - Memento Mori" (2012) - K7 - Self release



"Lagoss + Banha da Cobra - Aquapelagos, Vol. 1: Atlantico" (2023) - 12" LP - Discrepant

"Tratado Ensemble - Cornelius Cardew Treatise" (2020) - digital/web - pauloraposo

"Banha da Cobra - Mãe d'Água" (2019) - K7 - Sucata Tapes (Discrepant)

"Alforjs - QorusQoros" (2019) - K7 - Sucata Tapes (Discrepant)

"Jibóia - O O O O" (2018) - 12'' LP - Discrepant

"Baphomet - Da Rosa Nada Digamos Por Agora..." (2017) - CD - Bapho Records

"Alförjs - Demons I" (2017) - CD - Shhpuma (Clean Feed)

"Älforjs - Jengi" (2016) - 12'' LP - Silent Water / Burro Discos



"2jack4u + PMDS + Mestre André - (The) Meandered Mr Psst" (2020) - digital/web - Máquinas em Manobras

"Sã Bernardo - &FANTASMAS" (2019) - CD - combustão lenta records // Coletivo Casa Amarela // Favela Discos - performed live feedbacks with no-input mixer on track 1 - &F [as Mestre André]

"Nerve - Trabalho & Conhaque ou A Vida Não Presta e Ninguém Merece a Tua Confiança" (2015) - CD - Mano a Mano - produced tracks 1, 3, 8, and prelude on 12 [as Notwan]

"Nerve - Palha, Paus e Pérolas" (2014) - digital/web - Nerve self-release - produced tracks 6 and 28 [as Notwan]

"Tone Scientists + Guests - One Listens" (2011) - 10'' LP - Pataca Discos [as André Pinto]

"Nerve - Eu Não das Palavras Troco a Ordem" (2008) - CD - Matarroa - produced tracks 10, 12 and 13, interludes 4, 8 and bassline on 3 [as Notwan]



'No Earlids' in "Lisboa Soa - Sounds Within Sounds" (2023) - CD - Crónica Electrónica [as Mestre André]

'Dromos' in "V. A. - Antologia de Música Atípica Portuguesa Vol. 3: Canto Devocionário" (2021) - 12" LP - Discrepant [with Jibóia]

'Asylo' in "V. A. - Antologia de Música Atípica Portuguesa Vol. 2: Regiões" (2019) - 12" LP - Discrepant [with Banha da Cobra]

'Dadès' in"Incoherent Philogeny 2" compilation (2018) - mp3 - Tartine de Contrebasse [as O Morto]

'That Gum You Like...' in "Colónia Calúnia - Consórcio" (2018) - digital/web - Colónia Calúnia self-release [as Notwan]

Tenor Saxophone in tracks 1, 3, 4 and 5 "Nerve - Auto-sabotagem" (2018) - CD - Nerve self-release [as Notwan aka Mestre André]

'Souvenir Saz' in "V.A. - Portuguese Pitchbenders" (2009) - digital/web - Phonotactics [as Alfredo Androide]